Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Open the gate to happiness at work-Step 2

So- now you have your vision of how you want to be living in 5 years-it may include where you live, who you live with, how you work,what sort of work you are doing,  where you work, how much you work, what places you have visited, skills mastered and hobbies rediscovered-a visioning exercise can lead to wonderful discoveries of who you really are and what you really want-as mentioned before,many of us are on auto pilot and don't get the time or make the time to revisit what we want from life and plan how to get it.
The visioning  helps you get clarity and direction.
So step 2 to happiness at work:-

  • Look at your vision and work out what things can be achieved straight away, in the short term and then in the longer term-pick out what really matters to you-even if it looks scary-like career change/house change/partner change!
  • If there is very little you would change-fantastic-You would already be content with your lot , and this would include your work-we spend so much time at work that if all is fine and dandy in your world then you have mastered the art of thriving at work. (be it paid or unpaid)
  • If there are only a few tweaks then start plotting what needs to be done first and how to do it- additional training? a mentor? a sabbatical needed? 
  • If there are major changes to be made-congratulations on coming to this realisation and being brave and honest enough to admit it.Next choose an area that seems achievable and begin to explore your options.

So for the time being ,dear Redgaters, sit down and tease out what issues you can begin to focus on and what steps are needed overcome the issue.

It goes without saying that a leadership coach can help enormously with this step- as an objective and confidential sounding board and guide.