Most of us are very bad at knowing our strengths-your individual attributes or qualities.We are much more likely to be experts on what our weaknesses are-even if we don't verbalise our foibles to others,we definitely do to ourselves using that nasty little Miss negative internal voice.( Yes-women are worse at this than men-hence the use of "Miss").
So -the first step to using personal Strengths is to be aware of them-then we can begin to use that knowledge to capitalise on them and plan our happy work life around them.It is very freeing to accept yourself and use the strengths you have -rather than beat yourself up about what you are not so good at or inclined to.
Martin Seligman-the founding father of the Learned Optimism movement and Positive
Psychology has a free online test that you can undertake to assist you in knowing your
strengths. The test is called the Values In Action Signature Strengths and is available free at
What are your top 5 strengths and are you using them in your life?