Monday, April 19, 2010

Open the gate to happiness at work-Step 3

Did I mention that the Happiness model that I am promoting is the one used by Australia's very own Dr Happy-Dr Tim Sharp? Tim is Chief Happiness Officer of The Happiness Institute, his organization that helps individuals and companies enhance happiness -with stunning personal and fiscal results. I studied with Dr Sharp last year and think his model is tops.

So step three on the model is HEALTH-repeat after me-you cannot achieve long lasting and productive happiness in your work if you neglect your health.

Too many of us work too long-cramming a few days work into a day, not eating well, not exercising and then wonder why we can't sleep properly, can't switch off thinking about work and why our kids and friends and partners need to be reminded of our names .Working too hard and long keeps us ramped up on adrenalin, technology ensures we can be contacted at all hours - throw in some financial stress and pesky demanding  bosses and colleagues and surprise surprise-before we  know it we are burned out , bitter and battered-physically and emotionally. If you keep this up-you will be "spat off the wheel" and it will not be pleasant or pretty.
This is the catch 22 of happiness- leading the flourishing and rewarding life you want to lead-as determined from your visioning activity and plan-will be impossible-unless you have energy and stamina that comes with healthy living-eating well, staying fit, relaxing and recuperating well. Conversely, the healthier you are , the more you can cope with life challenges , bounce back from them and stick to your happiness resolutions.

Successful, energetic , passionate people often do work long hours and work extremely hard- however the ones ,that can sustain that lifestyle,  will always have a health regime that they stick to religiously. High performance demands quality fuel and regular rest and maintenance- in cars, racehorses and humans!!

So sit down and do a health audit- how well are you sleeping, how much exercise are you doing, how do you feel emotionally, is your diet full of healthy and nutritious food, do you plan decent recovery times and activities ?

Be brutally honest and then brutal with yourself in designing your "healthy life = happiness" plan-make sure you include exercise and activity, healthy nutritious food and rest and recovery activities.Then start following it straight away- no time to delay or excuses please.

"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness"

Edward Stanley

Let me know what your top health tips are as well as if you have story of being spat off the wheel and how you recovered.