Tuesday, December 13, 2011


One of my favourite websites is TED.It is a perfect repository of inspirational, uplifting, entertaining and engaging 18 minute video talks by famous and not so famous people about ideas worth spreading. The talks are the perfect teaching tool for adult educators -particularly in the dreaded after lunch time slot-No workshop participant of mine has ever gone to sleep during a TED talk (or checked their iphone facebook or twitter account surreptitiously under the desk)

I was conducting a workshop recently – on workplace happiness - and showed the group this TED talk on the Three A’s of Awesome. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of seeing the joy and wonder in the simple, often taken for granted things  in our lives-hot coffee, clean sheets, flowers, taps with water, crisp toast, earl grey tea( my personal early morning tipple) – a much needed message in our frantic rushed stressed lives .Give yourself 18 minutes, watch the video and let me know what is awesome for you at the moment!